Belisarius is a bot that detects vandalism on Stack Overflow.
In order to find if a post has been wrongly edited, titles, bodies and edit summaries are run through some filters.
; certain words are appended to titles. The bot reads a file which holds a list of keywords to watch out for within titlesTextRemoved
; the bot checks if 80% or more of the body has been removed and whether the [Jaro Winkler][3] score of the diff is less than 0.6.BlacklistedWords
; certain words are appended to posts. The bot reads a separate file for questions and answers. Both hold a list of keywords to watch forCodeRemoved
; the bot checks if the latest edit removed all code from the post.FewUniqueCharacters
; the bot checks if the post contains few unique characters — this rule is similar to SmokeDetector’s “Few unique characters” one.RepeatedWords
; the bot checks whether there are 5 or less unique words in the post.VeryLongWord
; the bot checks the post for a word longer than 50 characters long. Code blocks are stripped before the check is performed.BlacklistedWords
; certain words are used within the edit summaries. The bot holds a separate file for question edit summaries and answer edit summaries. Both hold a list of keywords to watch for.OffensiveWord
; the bot checks for offensive language used within the edit summary. This is done via a separate regex file.The bot fetches the blacklisted and offensive regexes from the database. You can find the blacklisted words CSV here and the offensive words CSV here.